153 research outputs found

    Gauge ambiguities imply Jaynes-Cummings physics remains valid in ultrastrong coupling QED

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    Ultrastrong-coupling between two-level systems and radiation is important for both fundamental and applied quantum electrodynamics (QED). Such regimes are identified by the breakdown of the rotating-wave approximation, which applied to the quantum Rabi model (QRM) yields the apparently less fundamental Jaynes-Cummings model (JCM). We show that when truncating the material system to two levels, each gauge gives a different description whose predictions vary significantly for ultrastrong-coupling. QRMs are obtained through specific gauge choices, but so too is a JCM without needing the rotating-wave approximation. Analysing a circuit QED setup, we find that this JCM provides more accurate predictions than the QRM for the ground state, and often for the first excited state as well. Thus, Jaynes-Cummings physics is not restricted to light-matter coupling below the ultrastrong limit. Among the many implications is that the system's ground state is not necessarily highly entangled, which is usually considered a hallmark of ultrastrong-coupling.Comment: 9 pages, plus 20 page Supplementary Information. See also related independent work arXiv:1805.05339

    A master equation for strongly interacting dipoles

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    We consider a pair of dipoles for which direct electrostatic dipole-dipole interactions may be significantly larger than the coupling to transverse radiation. We derive a master equation using the Coulomb gauge, which naturally enables us to include the inter-dipole Coulomb energy within the system Hamiltonian rather than the interaction. In contrast, the standard master equation for a two- dipole system, which depends entirely on well-known gauge-invariant S-matrix elements, is usually derived using the multipolar gauge, wherein there is no explicit inter-dipole Coulomb interaction. We show using a generalised arbitrary-gauge light-matter Hamiltonian that this master equation is obtained in other gauges only if the inter-dipole Coulomb interaction is kept within the interaction Hamiltonian rather than the unperturbed part as in our derivation. Thus, our master equation, while still gauge-invariant, depends on different S-matrix elements, which give separation-dependent corrections to the standard matrix elements describing resonant energy transfer and collective decay. The two master equations coincide in the large separation limit where static couplings are negligible. We provide an application of our master equation by finding separation-dependent corrections to the natural emission spectrum of the two-dipole system.Comment: 18 pages including appendix, 8 figure

    Overcoming non-Markovian dephasing in single photon sources through post-selection

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    We study the effects of realistic dephasing environments on a pair of solid-state single-photon sources in the context of the Hong-Ou-Mandel dip. By means of solutions for the Markovian or exact non-Markovian dephasing dynamics of the sources, we show that the resulting loss of visibility depends crucially on the timing of photon detection events. Our results demonstrate that the effective visibility can be improved via temporal post-selection, and also that time-resolved interference can be a useful probe of the interaction between the emitter and its host environment.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, published version, title changed, references update

    Modelling exciton-phonon interactions in optically driven quantum dots

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    We provide a self-contained review of master equation approaches to modelling phonon effects in optically driven self-assembled quantum dots. Coupling of the (quasi) two-level excitonic system to phonons leads to dissipation and dephasing, the rates of which depend on the excitation conditions, intrinsic properties of the QD sample, and its temperature. We describe several techniques, which include weak-coupling master equations that are perturbative in the exciton-phonon coupling, as well as those based on the polaron transformation that can remain valid for strong phonon interactions. We additionally consider the role of phonons in altering the optical emission characteristics of quantum dot devices, outlining how we must modify standard quantum optics treatments to account for the presence of the solid-state environment.Comment: Invited Topical Review, 26 pages, 7 figures. V2 - close to published version, 28 pages, 9 figures. Minor changes to text, added a few new references and two new figure

    Correlation-dependent coherent to incoherent transitions in resonant energy transfer dynamics

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    I investigate energy transfer in a donor-acceptor pair beyond weak system-bath coupling. I identify a transition from coherent to incoherent dynamics with increasing temperature, due to multi-phonon effects not captured by a standard weak-coupling treatment. The crossover temperature has a marked dependence on the degree of spatial correlation between fluctuations experienced at the two system sites. For strong correlations, this leads to the possibility of coherence surviving into a high temperature regime.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 2 page supplement. Published version. Figure edited, section added on experimental relevance, reference added, various minor changes to the text. Comments welcom

    Environmental dynamics, correlations, and the emergence of noncanonical equilibrium states in open quantum systems

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    Quantum systems are invariably open, evolving under surrounding influences rather than in isolation. Standard open quantum system methods eliminate all information on the environmental state to yield a tractable description of the system dynamics. By incorporating a collective coordinate of the environment into the system Hamiltonian, we circumvent this limitation. Our theory provides straightforward access to important environmental properties that would otherwise be obscured, allowing us to quantify the evolving system-environment correlations. As a direct result, we show that the generation of robust system-environment correlations that persist into equilibrium (heralded also by the emergence of non-Gaussian environmental states) renders the canonical system steady-state almost always incorrect. The resulting equilibrium states deviate markedly from those predicted by standard perturbative techniques and are instead fully characterised by thermal states of the mapped system-collective coordinate Hamiltonian. We outline how noncanonical system states could be investigated experimentally to study deviations from canonical thermodynamics, with direct relevance to molecular and solid-state nanosystems.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, close to published versio

    Model of the optical emission of a driven semiconductor quantum dot: phonon-enhanced coherent scattering and off-resonant sideband narrowing

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    We study the crucial role played by the solid-state environment in determining the photon emission characteristics of a driven quantum dot. For resonant driving, we predict a phonon-enhancement of the coherently emitted radiation field with increasing driving strength, in stark contrast to the conventional expectation of a rapidly decreasing fraction of coherent emission with stronger driving. This surprising behaviour results from thermalisation of the dot with respect to the phonon bath, and leads to a nonstandard regime of resonance fluorescence in which significant coherent scattering and the Mollow triplet coexist. Off-resonance, we show that despite the phonon influence, narrowing of dot spectral sideband widths can occur in certain regimes, consistent with an experimental trend.Comment: Published version. 5 pages, 2 figures, plus 4 page supplement. Title changed, figure 1 revised, various edits and additions to the tex
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